Fun Sites

Frank Meshberger
An Interpretation of Michaelangelo’s Creation of Adam
based on Neuroanatomy
(JAMA 264:1837-1841, 1990)

Wallpaper Image Sizes:


Save Image and Set as Wallpaper:
After the image has fully loaded on the web page:

1. Move the mouse cursor over the image.
2. Click the right mouse button until mini menu appears.
3. Choose “save image as” (Save image to your hard drive).
4. Open the control panel – “Display” or “Desktop Pictures”.
5. Click “Browse…” to load new wallpaper from where you saved the image on your computer.

Set as Wallpaper:
After the image has fully loaded to full size:

1. Move the mouse cursor over the image
2. Then click with right mouse button
3. A mini menu window will popup
– select and click “Set as Wallpaper”
4. The wallpaper should appear as the new desktop.
If not – refresh desktop screen